
The Card

This is the card that I wish I had before I was pulled over by the local police for speeding. I believe that had I given it to the policeman, my speech would not have turned out so bad. I believe in education and when you know better you do better. So here is the link to the card to request yours for free:

or call (800) 992-9395

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My Stuttering Life
Pedro Pena
PO Box 1585
La Porte, TX USA 77572

Check out my podcast:

My Stuttering Life Podcast

Thank you to Itsbougrin for my Fiverr Intro Video: https://www.fiverr.com/itsbougrin

Thank you to Epidemic Music for the great sounds:

Thank you TuberTools for your excellent service:

#MyStutteringLife #StutteringEntrepreneur