Stuttering & the 5 Second Rule. This book completely changed my life in such profound ways that I had to make this video so that everyone knows the power of this book. Whatever you are facing in life, this book is for you. The tools in this book gave me the courage to keep moving forward and build momentum in my daily struggles with fluency. Check out the link below:
The 5 Second Rule: Transform your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
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My Stuttering Life
Pedro Pena
PO Box 1585
La Porte, TX USA 77572
Check out my podcast:
My Stuttering Life Podcast
Thank you to Itsbougrin for my Fiverr Intro Video:
Thank you to Epidemic Music for the great sounds:
Thank you TuberTools for your excellent service:
#MyStutteringLife #StutteringEntrepreneur