
Fluency Phases

Do you experience fluency phases? There are days, weeks, or even months when I'm doing great with my speech but then again there are times where it isn't. During those turbulent times, I utilize all the tools and techniques I have learned over the years to help manage my stutter.

Blog: https://bigpod.net/msl

TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/TAyTnk/

Thank you to Itsbougrin for my Fiverr Intro Video: https://www.fiverr.com/itsbougrin

Thank you to Epidemic Music for the great sounds: https://player.epidemicsound.com/

Thank you TuberTools for your excellent service: https://www.tubebuddy.com/MyStutteringLife

#MyStutteringLife #StutteringEntrepreneur