April 21, 2019

Vampire Crabs

Vampire Crabs

Are you aware of the people around you?  I'm talking those individuals in your inner circle who are negative and drain your energy on a daily basis.  Plus, those people around you who don't want for you to succeed and they keep you at their...

Are you aware of the people around you?  I'm talking those individuals in your inner circle who are negative and drain your energy on a daily basis.  Plus, those people around you who don't want for you to succeed and they keep you at their level because it's where their comfort level is.  I call these two groups:  Vampires & Crabs In a Bucket.  If you surround yourself with positive people and let go of those Vampires and Crabs In A Bucket, you will see a definete change in your outlook.   As a stutterer, those Vampires drained my energy and I was living a life of constant exhaustion.  Those Crabs In A Bucket always told me to stay where I was and not to "achieve anything".  After I let those negative people go, my life changed for the better.  I only surround myself with positive people who are going to lift me up and push me out of my comfort zone.  My only regret is I wish I had done this in my 20s, but, everything happens for a reason.  


Jan. 9, 2021

Job Searching In The New Normal

Today we are talking about employment in 2021. It’s a whole new year and in this new normal, everything employment related is online. As a PWS, we are adapting and facing this new challenge head on. I talk about my …

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Nov. 15, 2020

Stuttering: Coming Full Circle

Today’s featured guest is Tim Mackesey. Tim Mackesey had a severe stuttering problem into his mid 20's. He has been an SLP since 1992. He is a Board-Certified Specialist in Fluency Disorders with a private practice in Atlanta,...

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Nov. 16, 2020

Jamming To My Own Beat In Life

Today’s featured guest is Nakia Grayson. Nakia Grayson is a legal, privacy, and technology enthusiast with a passion for helping to educate and expose girls and women to STEM career fields. She works in the Federal Government as an IT …

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