July 2, 2020

The Value of Vulnerability

The Value of Vulnerability

Today’s featured guest is John McIntosh. John is 60 years old and is from Glasgow, Scotland, and has stammered for as long as he can remember.  After graduating with an honors degree in English Literature, John worked in social care for many...

Today’s featured guest is John McIntosh. John is 60 years old and is from Glasgow, Scotland, and has stammered for as long as he can remember.  After graduating with an honors degree in English Literature, John worked in social care for many years, mainly because he could not envisage entering a profession that made big demands on his speech.  At the age of 35, he was married with two young daughters and decided to become a high school English teacher which he did until last August, when he retired.  In 2004, when he was 45, he completed the McGuire Program Course, and was active in that program for many years.  He currently is on the management committee of the Scottish Stammering Network, the main support group for PWS in Scotland, and helped establish the podcast “And Oh And On That Note”; which aims to get stammering voices out there in the public domain.  I believe that there is healing in sharing and I would like to Thank John for sharing his story with us.

For more information on John McIntosh



Scottish Stammering Network:  The main support group for PWS in Scotland, at stammeringscotland.org  


Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ohandonthatnote

Thank you to Noah Swiderski (owner and producer of Briton Beats) for your outro music. For more information on Briton Beats, click this link:  https://www.britonbeats.com/

Thank you to Epidemic Sound for the intro music.  https://www.epidemicsound.com/

Thank you to Mike Russell for that voice over outro.  https://musicradiocreative.com

I use SquadCast for all my remote interviews.  If you are interested in Squad Cast, check out my link:  https://squadcast.fm/?ref=pedropena

Leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-stuttering-life/id1434435654?mt=2&app=podcast

For correspondence: Pedro Peña, PO Box 1585, La Porte, Texas USA 77572