March 13, 2020

The Be Kind Campaign And Stuttering: The Story Of Jack Dinsley

The Be Kind Campaign And Stuttering:  The Story Of Jack Dinsley

Today’s featured guest is Jack Dinsley.  Jack states that he’s had a stammer ever since he can remember.  Over the years, Jack has turned the negativity of having a stammer into something positive.  He’s been involved with the...

Today’s featured guest is Jack Dinsley.  Jack states that he’s had a stammer ever since he can remember.  Over the years, Jack has turned the negativity of having a stammer into something positive.  He’s been involved with the performing arts since a young age, and that has turned into journalism over the years.  Jack is now in his third and final year at UCLan and has worked for the BBC Newsround recently.  He launched his own stammering awareness campaign this year where he has spoken to 550+ students already!   I believe that there is healing in sharing and I would like to Thank Jack Dinsley for sharing his story with us. 

For more information on Jack Dinsley:  

Twitter - https://twitter.com/jackdinsley

Website - https://muckrack.com/jack-dinsley/articles

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jackdinsley/

Thank you to Noah Swiderski (owner and producer of Briton Beats) for your voice over intro and your amazing outro music.  For more information on Briton Beats, click this link:  https://www.britonbeats.com/

Thank you to Epidemic Sound for the intro music.  https://www.epidemicsound.com/

Thank you to Mike Russell for that voice over outro.  https://musicradiocreative.com

Thank you Kevin McFarlane from the Art of Emergency Nursing podcast for that AMAZING voice over intro:   https://artofemergencynursing.libsyn.com/

I use SquadCast for all my remote interviews.  Great audio and it saves locally on both ends! If you are interested in Squad Cast, check out my link:  https://squadcast.fm/?ref=pedropena

If you would like to send me a message via Speak Pipe, I'll use it in a podcast episode.  Click the link here:  https://speakpipe.com/mystutteringlife

For correspondence/inquiries/merchandise: Pedro Peña, PO Box 1585, La Porte, Texas USA 77572


Jan. 9, 2021

Job Searching In The New Normal

Today we are talking about employment in 2021. It’s a whole new year and in this new normal, everything employment related is online. As a PWS, we are adapting and facing this new challenge head on. I talk about my …

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Nov. 15, 2020

Stuttering: Coming Full Circle

Today’s featured guest is Tim Mackesey. Tim Mackesey had a severe stuttering problem into his mid 20's. He has been an SLP since 1992. He is a Board-Certified Specialist in Fluency Disorders with a private practice in Atlanta,...

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 16, 2020

Jamming To My Own Beat In Life

Today’s featured guest is Nakia Grayson. Nakia Grayson is a legal, privacy, and technology enthusiast with a passion for helping to educate and expose girls and women to STEM career fields. She works in the Federal Government as an IT …

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