April 20, 2021

Producer/Director of My Beautiful Stutter

Producer/Director of My Beautiful Stutter

Today’s featured guest is Ryan Gielen.  Ryan is the producer and director of the new documentary My Beautiful Stutter from executive producers Paul Rudd & Mariska Hargitay, streaming exclusively on Discovery Plus...

Today’s featured guest is Ryan Gielen.  Ryan is the producer and director of the new documentary My Beautiful Stutter from executive producers Paul Rudd & Mariska Hargitay, streaming exclusively on Discovery Plus Channel in the United States, and available now on Vimeo On Demand throughout the rest of the world. My Beautiful Stutter is a documentary film about the arts-based program at Camp SAY (The Stuttering Association for the Young) for children who stutter.  Ryan is also the executive producer of the short film sometimes, i think about dying, which was honored as an official Sundance Short, and short-listed for the 2020 Academy Awards. Ryan & his company Believe Limited have won the SABRE AWARD, the Shorty Social Good Award, and two WEBBYs, and was recently nominated for a Norman Lear Imagen Award for positive representations of Latinos in entertainment.   I would like to thank Ryan for this truly profound and amazing documentary that talks about the struggles of daily life for children who stutter, and the memorable bonds made at this camp.  I encourage everyone to watch with your family and see these amazing and courageous children as they continue in their journey.  I would also personally like to thank Taro Alexander, George Springer, Mariska Hargitay, Peter Hermann, Patrick James Lynch, Michael Alden, Steven Sander & Paul Rudd for bringing this important subject matter into the spotlight and raising awareness that people who stutter are CHAMPIONS!


Official Sitewww.MyBeautifulStutter.com

Rent on Vimeohttps://bit.ly/watchMBS

Watch on Discovery Plusdiscoveryplus.com/?xp=mybeautifulstutter





For More Information on Ryan Gielen:


Thank you to Noah Swiderski (owner and producer of Briton Beats) for your outro music. For more information on Briton Beats, click this link:  https://www.britonbeats.com/

Thank you to Epidemic Sound for the intro music.  https://www.epidemicsound.com/

Thank you to Mike Russell for that voice over outro.  https://musicradiocreative.com

I use SquadCast for all my remote interviews.  If you are interested in Squad Cast, check out my affiliate link:  https://squadcast.fm/?ref=pedropena

Leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/my-stuttering-life/id1434435654?mt=2&app=podcast

For correspondence: Pedro Peña, PO Box 1585, La Porte, Texas USA 77572


Jan. 9, 2021

Job Searching In The New Normal

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Stuttering: Coming Full Circle

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Nov. 16, 2020

Jamming To My Own Beat In Life

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