Sept. 15, 2018



Today's podcast has a special guest, Nic, who is a high school and also a person who stutters. We discuss the origins of his stutter, family history, speech therapy, high school life, advice for parents/teachers and his AWESOME YouTube Channel "Friday...

Today's podcast has a special guest, Nic, who is a high school and also a person who stutters. We discuss the origins of his stutter, family history, speech therapy, high school life, advice for parents/teachers and his AWESOME YouTube Channel "Friday Nights with Nic". This young man is an inspiration to all living his best positive life. I encourage everyone to check out his YouTube Channel "Friday Nights with Nic" and subscribe. This young man has a bright future and I can't wait to speak with again.


Jan. 9, 2021

Job Searching In The New Normal

Today we are talking about employment in 2021. It’s a whole new year and in this new normal, everything employment related is online. As a PWS, we are adapting and facing this new challenge head on. I talk about my …

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Nov. 15, 2020

Stuttering: Coming Full Circle

Today’s featured guest is Tim Mackesey. Tim Mackesey had a severe stuttering problem into his mid 20's. He has been an SLP since 1992. He is a Board-Certified Specialist in Fluency Disorders with a private practice in Atlanta,...

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Nov. 16, 2020

Jamming To My Own Beat In Life

Today’s featured guest is Nakia Grayson. Nakia Grayson is a legal, privacy, and technology enthusiast with a passion for helping to educate and expose girls and women to STEM career fields. She works in the Federal Government as an IT …

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